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Showing posts from 2020

Indian Constitution: the unfulfilled dream

 As we celebrated the ‘Constitution day’ on 26th November, bragging about being the world’s largest democracy, the question we failed to ask ourselves is whether we have truly lived up to the essence of our constitution. The Constituent Assembly of India had adopted the Constitution on this day in 1949, and the current government decided in 2015 to observe this day annually as the Constitution Day. Our Constitution declares India to be a “sovereign, socialist, secular, democratic republic and to secure to all its citizens justice, social, economic and political; liberty of thought, expression, belief, faith, and worship; equality of status and of opportunity; and to promote among them all fraternity assuring the dignity of the individual and the unity and integrity of the nation”. Even though our constitution offers so much, the printed media has repeatedly pointed out the inability to uphold them. To quote Granville Austin from his book, Working a Democratic Constitution, the constitu


Expectations. The world drives around that single word. An investor expects the market to return profits, a student expects good grades, Hollywood expects every Indian to greet with namaste , etc. All of us expect something from someone or something. Expectations are what keeps us going. People during the agricultural revolution did not expect to leave Earth, but now we expect that someday we will step on Mars.  The question is: Is expectation worth it? The answer is 'depends' on what you are expecting, whether it is within the jurisdiction of possibility or not. 'Possibility', this again has a relative definition. Now the question comes, how do we know whether it is possible? Well, that can be answered only by the questioner. We expect a lot of things, we get hurt but again we keep on expecting. The worthiness of expectations can be connoted  only when we are successful in achieving it.  I am not making any sense, am I? Well, scroll up! Let's see if I can tur