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                After 69 years of independence, being in the 21st century we are not successful to promote secularism in India.
               ( Ex-MP) and current chief minister of Uttar Pradesh - Yogi Adityanath's move to stop the working of 140 stand alone abattoirs and 9 integrated abattoir- cum- meat processing units(source : The Telegraph) has been welcomed by many Hindus all around our country. Adityanath's move was imposed on illegal slaughter houses who didn't follow the rules and regulations formed by the government. The owners failed to give a satisfiable alibi for not following the law which leads to the closure of these abattoirs.
                 Many people are also pointing out the fact about the leather factories in Kanpur. Many factories are operating in an illegal manner - practicing child labour, not having sufficient certificates according to the norms of Indian government. The question arises that if the government puts a ban on illegal abattoirs then why not those illegal leather factories in Kanpur?
                 Chhattisgarh chief minister Raman Singh yesterday said, "Jo maarega usko latka denge(Anyone doing so will be hanged)" on asking whether Chhattisgarh government will make cow protection laws more stringent to match Gujrat's life imprisonment. This statement made by an honorary minister has been criticised in the educated society. Though no particular law has been passed till now, the Muslim society has been stirred by this statement.
                India is a secular country, then why are few state governments putting a ban on abattoirs. Everybody has the right to preach their religion in their own way but keeping in mind that it doesn't harm the sentiments of other religions. We hope that in future people living in India would preach their religion without any protest.


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