The home speakers hit the Indian market on April 10 and as that of echo devices hit the market much before on October, 2017. It's been 6 months since Google home has become part of many families in India, even before its launch I was using home mini but was not able to use all its features and was eagerly waiting for an official release. Now, for quite a time I have been acquainted with both Alexa as well as Google home, and it's a perfect time to check where the two kindred virtual spirits lie with respect to the Indian market. Google home devices Alexa already had a head start of 4 months and on top of that was well configured for the Indian market right from the beginning. On the other hand, when home released the only thing that changed was that I was able to choose my default music provided from 2 more options - saavn and gaana, rest it was all the same as before. Though Google enthusiasts (me being one too) were quite confident about home getting all the features...
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