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MIND it!

“Don’t change your mind now.”
This particular sentence is faced by all of us at some time or other, but is the human mind as simple as it is implied? The mind of a human being is just like a library full of books, books of varied emotions with full of complex pathways leading from one book to another, and we are the maze runner in this maze of emotions. Rage, happiness, confusion, disappointment, all are part of this library.

For a particular decision or result we go through a flood of emotions, but is it worth it? It’s quite funny that we mostly prefer temporary happiness even though we know the consequences of disappointment, frustration. The little bits of happiness in one’s life sums to make someone complete.

Disappointment equals self-realisation or self-reflection? In both the cases the effect becomes almost same. With these comes the feeling where you are shattered from within but fail to express it, want to cry but tears don’t come out, your heart becomes heavy, every breath feels like addition of a weight, hands and feet become cold, expectations come down shattering infront of you. You desperately scream within for it go away, eagerly wanting for a piece of happiness even if it’s temporary. That time even the temporary happiness feels like sunshine during winters.

We excel in pulling our masks, hide our real selves, our feelings. Behind the most beautiful smile lies the most painful stories. Maybe that’s how we are coping with life, isn’t it? Sharing reduces the sorrow for some, again some cope with it all by themselves masquerading as their dream-selves. Everyone’s got different ways to deal with the waves of emotions thrashing on them, some surf on them, some run away, some dive under, how much we dodge but sometimes we do have to fall on the shore unable to run from expectations, dreams, emotions, past, present, guilt, things we wish we had done. We humans really are fascinating creatures, we fascinate ourselves at every step of time. With our minds racing with time, buckled with so many things, yet dealing with all these incredibly.


  1. Beautifully explored the centric theme. Raw. Loved it.

  2. It's really hard to express the exact what you feel in words..but here, I think rarely anyone can even understand this much than you've already written here!..Appreciating.


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